The Heritage Private School proudly presents Blood Brothers as its 2025 School Production, which will take place on 21 & 22 February 2025 at 7.30 p.m., in the Multifunctional Hall. This comi-tragedy is much loved by our Drama Department and students, not only because it is one of the texts used for GCSE Drama, but also because we originally staged this show in 2008. This is the first time a School show has been revisited, therefore we encourage all Alumni to come and reconnect with a much-loved production.
Tickets are priced at €10 (for both students and adults) and can be purchased from the School’s offices from Monday 10 February 2025 or at the door before the performances. Please note that the production is not suitable for children under the age of 13 without the supervision of an adult.
The approximate run time will be two hours including a 20-minute intermission during which drinks will be sold. Before the start of the show, audience members will have the opportunity to pre-order drinks, which can be consumed during the intermission. No food or drinks should be brought into the Multifunction Hall.
About the story
The show itself follows the lives of twins Mickey and Edward, separated at birth and raised in different socio-economic ways. Mickey stays with his mother Ms Johnstone and his 7 siblings in the poorer part of town, whilst Edward is afforded all the luxuries of the rich Lyons family, as an only child. Whilst both are happy, something is missing until they find each other one day. The mothers are terrified that their secret will be revealed and try to keep the boys apart. The brothers are blissfully unaware of the differences between them until life situations make it impossible for them to ignore.
The plot's themes of family, brotherhood, love, betrayal and superstition fortify this Willy Russell classic and make this a timeless production that will take audiences through a rollercoaster of heightened emotions. If you are looking to enjoy a great piece of Musical Theatre, come along and watch our show, you will definitely be glad you did!