Limassol Poster Competition

As part of the European Program CITIVAS DESTINATIONS, the Limassol Tourism Development and Promotion Company organised a Poster competition amongst Primary Schools in Limassol, with the theme “I travel by bus”.

We are proud to announce that from over 40 participants, 10 students from our School were selected as follows:

3rd Prize
Maria Myshlyaeva 3D

Special Praise
Iana Uzbekova former student
Yair Sela 3A
Elizaveta Gladkova 4C
Daniel Fedoriv 4A
Alexandra Georgieva 4A
Cecily Makedona 5A
Andreas Zander Makedonas 7C but was in Year 6 at time of the competition
Helen Ilia 3C
Saviano Piemonti 5B

Congratulations to these students for their success but also for taking the initiative during lockdown to enter this competition. Thank you, also to their parents for encouraging them. This is the true Heritage spirit.