On 11 November, the Secondary School’s Greek and Music Departments celebrated a Greek musical journey from the 1930’s to the 1970’s, titled “Ας κρατήσουν οι χοροί” (“Let the dances remain”). The historical events of the times were narrated and the lives of the notorious Greek artists such as Attik, Vamvakaris, Tsitsanis, Theodorakis, Hadjidakis and Savvopoulos were beautifully sung by our students, together with a full band. The evening became a true celebration, as the audience sang along with both tears and laughter, all partaking in the memories the music and the lyrics evoked. The programme culminated with the joyful dancing to the song of Dionysius Savvopoulos “Ας κρατήσουν οι χοροί”, when the exuberant cast danced together with members of the audience, who spontaneously joined in. It was truly an event to remember – especially for our students, who gained so much from this valuable cultural journey.